"The pot calling the kettle black"
There has been enough finger pointing to last 3 generations. Democrats blaming Republicans...Presidents blaming Presidents...banks blaming real estate agents...real estate agents blaming appraisers. Now it's all the fault of Wall Street and ponsi schemes. I'm sure that we've heard every possible variation of blame imaginable . But we sure haven't blamed ourselves. In reality, it was through our insatiable desire to have bigger and better...more and more...that we threw caution to the wind and we pushed the economy right over the top all by ourselves. After all, where there is no demand there is no supply.
"I told you so"
We celebrated when friends and relatives were able to purchase real estate with no money down and no income to support the debt. Sadly, now that many of these same people are losing their homes, instead of jumping in with help and support, we don't miss an opportunity to let them know that we "knew they shouldn't have purchased the property" in the first place. Surely you aren't really saying that you knew that they would ultimately end up in bankruptcy and foreclosure but you let them go ahead anyway without saying a word?
"Perception Becomes The Reality"
SO here you are...reading a real estate blog and wondering what in the world any of this has to do with real estate. I believe that it has everything to do with real estate. There are still a lot more people out there that are solid financially than there are who aren't and there are millions of properties out there to be purchased. The market simply needs to reset itself and WE need to get back to business. The value WAS...the value IS...and the value ALWAYS will be determined by the market itself. Auctioneers have been proving that since before there were real estate licenses and we continue to bring ready, willing and able buyers today in spite of the current challenges. The real estate agents that have taken a long hard look at our economy and have been willing to adapt to the circumstances are very, very busy selling short-sale properties making incomes that exceed what they make when the market was "hot".
"When the going gets tough...the tough get going"
We need to get back down to basics. We need to roll up our sleeves and get back to the business of selling real estate. Einstein said that the definition of insanity is continuing to do the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. We need different results. This is a new world in real estate and it's time to get with the program. Auctions are thriving. Short sales are thriving. Are you thriving? Remember...when the going gets tough the tough get going.
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